On the edge of everything.
High School is an amazing time of life where we find ourselves on the edge of everything.
We are on the edge of independence, the edge of relationships, the edge of great victories, the edge of big failures, the edge of adulthood, the edge of friendships, the edge of responsibility, and the edge of the deeper waters of faith.
Here at The Edge High School Student Ministries, we walk with our students to step out into the deeper waters and take hold of their faith! We teach and train our students that they are ministers of the good news of JESUS right where they are. That as a believer in JESUS, our job is to share this faith with the world that GOD has placed us in!
QUESTIONS? Email our Student Ministries Director, Jeff Fernandez, at [email protected]
The Edge gathers each Sunday from 6:00-8:00pm at The Bridge Portage Campus (down in the Lower Level) during the calendar school year. During the summer months, there are lots of exciting events scheduled so check out our church Events tab to stay up-to-date.
NOTE: Many Event Registrations are not live until 2-3 weeks prior to an event. If a registration is not currently live, please check back later.