From head to heart.

Middle School. (sigh) Remember it? It is an incredible mixture of highs and lows... When you want to be mature, but also find yourself clinging to your childhood. It is a time of raging hormones, new responsibilities, new friendships, adventure, heartache, and victory all in the same day! (What a time to truly need Jesus!) Our Fusion Middle School Ministry takes all of that "angst" and helps our students find their place and confidence in Jesus.

Fusion focuses on driving the “head knowledge” of who Jesus is, into a heart commitment. We encourage students to ask hard questions that then allows us to dig deep into God's word - uncovering His truths along the way. In addition to our worship and teaching time, we also offer a Life Group model where students form connections with their piers and develop an unshakeable faith. It also allows for us to create authentic space for students to wrestle with, challenge us, and remain curious about the God who created them in His image. Fusion: A place where middle school makes sense! 

WHEN DO WE MEET? We gather Wednesday Nights from 6:30-8:00pm in the Lower Level of our Portage Campus during the calendar school year (Sept-May). During the summer, check out the Events Tab to stay up-to-date on our summer activities! 

QUESTIONS? Email Logan Deluca, our Middle School Ministries Director, at or Sara Campbell, our Middle School Ministry Assistant, at
