Both campuses are built on the same Bridge foundation: Scripturally sound teaching, Spirit-led worship, a passion for serving others, and ministries designed for growth and community. With a brand new campus in the heart of Vicksburg, you can now choose which location fits you best.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: Both campuses will focus on the same teaching series, each taught by a live Pastor (not a live-stream feed) and both including live worship! Our beloved Bridge Kids Ministry is also offered at both campuses during the worship service, with fun and engaging options for children ages birth through 5th Grade.
WEEKLY EVENTS: There are also Ministry Events hosted throughout the week that encourage corporate unity; both campuses joining together for intentional discipleship. (Bible Studies, Youth Ministries, All-Church Worship Nights, and more!) Once you feel at home, we will encourage you to make connections by joining a Life Group. These small groups are designed to help you grow in your faith, and nurture lifelong friendships.
QUESTIONS? We would love to talk! Call our office at 269-323-9444 and our Office Team will help answer any other questions that you may have.

Campus7200 Angling Road
Portage, MI 49024
Sunday | 8:15am, 9:45am, 11:15am
CampusVicksburg Performing Arts Center
501 E. Highway Street
Vicksburg, MI 49097
Sunday | 10:00am

What To Expect When You Visit
Scripture-Based Teaching
Our message series are carefully planned and selected to deliver strong, Biblically-sound teachings that will challenge and inspire growth in our church family. We believe in teaching Biblical truth, even when it means confronting tough or confusing subjects. Our teaching staff works hard to share prayerfully prepared content that blends love and grace with power of the gospel.
Welcoming Environment
From the moment you walk through our doors, you're family at The Bridge. Come as you are, wear what you want, and participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable. Whether you've been a Christian your whole life, or you're visiting a church for the first time, we invite you to worship with us and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place.
Robust Children's Programs
Bridge Kids begins the discipleship process with even our littlest Bridge family members. Infants begin hearing about and experiencing the love of Jesus from day one, and our Bridge Kids disciplers continue to nurture, teach, and guide our little ones as they grow. Children ages 0-5th Grade can join our Bridge Kids programs during every weekend worship service for a fun and creative worship experience that's tailored to their age group.
Spirit-Led Worship
Weekend worship services are a space for the Holy Spirit to freely move in our church. Our worship team provides a framework of rich music and scripture, and our prayer team is available during every service for prayer whenever you need it. You'll see people worshipping in a kneeling posture or with hands raised, and people praying with and for each other during services. You are invited to be as free or as reserved as you need to in order to worship fully in this space.
Click below to take a more in depth look at the Beliefs & Values at The Bridge.What We Believe
What To Expect When You Visit
Scripture-Based Teaching
Our message series are carefully planned and selected to deliver strong, Biblically-sound teachings that will challenge and inspire growth in our church family. We believe in teaching Biblical truth, even when it means confronting tough or confusing subjects. Our teaching staff works hard to share prayerfully prepared content that blends love and grace with power of the gospel.
Welcoming Environment
From the moment you walk through our doors, you're family at The Bridge. Come as you are, wear what you want, and participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable. Whether you've been a Christian your whole life, or you're visiting a church for the first time, we invite you to worship with us and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place.
Robust Children's Programs
Bridge Kids begins the discipleship process with even our littlest Bridge family members. Infants begin hearing about and experiencing the love of Jesus from day one, and our Bridge Kids disciplers continue to nurture, teach, and guide our little ones as they grow. Children ages 0-5th Grade can join our Bridge Kids programs during every weekend worship service for a fun and creative worship experience that's tailored to their age group.
Spirit-Led Worship
Weekend worship services are a space for the Holy Spirit to freely move in our church. Our worship team provides a framework of rich music and scripture, and our prayer team is available during every service for prayer whenever you need it. You'll see people worshipping in a kneeling posture or with hands raised, and people praying with and for each other during services. You are invited to be as free or as reserved as you need to in order to worship fully in this space.