Inspire Hearts. Enable Action. Serve Like Jesus.
Our Community Impact Team is obsessed with providing inspiration and opportunity for our church body to serve our community consistently. (Jesus called us to "love our neighbors" after all. And call us crazy but we think He meant it!) From volunteering on a Second Saturday to an All-Church Community Impact Weekend, this ministry facilitates service projects that gives EVERYONE a chance to serve the Kalamazoo, Portage, and Vicksburg communities - in Jesus' name!Second Saturdays
Second Saturdays are (you guessed it) held on the second Saturday of each month. For just a few hours on a Saturday morning, this church sends over a hundred Bridge-goers out into the community to serve at various locations throughout Kalamazoo County. It's an easy way to make a Kingdom impact locally - and our team plans it all! Simply register for a project, show up that morning, grab a provided donut and coffee... and then go love His people.
Many projects include partnerships with local ministries and non-profits, allowing us to serve and support them in their needs. Others focus on fulfilling needs of sick or elderly members of our congregation.
Community Impact Weekends
We are so passionate about being "the church" outside of our four walls that twice a year we shut down our regular Sunday services in favor of spending an entire weekend serving the communities around us. Instead of spending a few hours worshipping God inside our building, our entire church body launches out into the community to worship through service.
Projects range from stocking shelves at food shelters, to playing games with residents at nursing homes, to raking leaves for an elderly neighbor or boxing up care packages for a women's shelter. Dozens of projects are on the docket every Spring and Fall, and there is truly a project for EVERY person, EVERY skill, and EVERY age.
Donation Projects
Throughout the year, the Community Impact Team sponsors Donation of the Month Projects - an additional way that we can care of our Ministry Partners. Whether it's helping the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission provide diapers, wipes, and feminine hygiene products to their residents or collecting warm weather gear for the unhoused population... Donation Projects like these allow our team to take on urgent needs and bring it to our church, connecting the needs of the community with a body of people eager to help.
Curious who we support financially? Check out the below organizations that are not just in alignment with our missional values but who are also sharing the good news and love of Jesus with the people that they come into contact with. Whether it’s providing food and/or shelter to those in need, providing an affordable Christ-centered education in a poverty stricken neighborhood, or using a rescued horse to share the truth of God's love... these ministries are dedicated to serving in Jesus' name!

ORGANIZATION: Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries


ORGANIZATION: Jesus Loves Kzoo

ORGANIZATION: 12 Baskets Food Pantry

ORGANIZATION: YFC - Colonial Acres



ORGANIZATION: YoungLife Capernaum

ORGANIZATION: Tree of Life School

ORGANIZATION: Reach Sober Living


ORGANIZATION: True Vine Equestrian Center

ORGANIZATION: Alternatives Care Centers

ORGANIZATION: BCS - Safe Families for Children