The Zone is our pre-teen ministry created just for 4th and 5th graders at The Bridge! These awesome kids are experiencing a new phase of life as they approach middle school, so we designed a space that is as unique and cool as they are. The Zone creates an experience tailored to how they think, learn, feel, and grow in their understanding of God and how the Bible relates to their life.
The Zone utilizes the same 252 Kids curriculum that students begin in Bridge Kids, but following a special program created specifically for pre-teens ages 10-12. 252 Pre-Teen focuses on one priority: LOVE GOD. We dive deeper into this priority by way of three relational motives:
1: Move kids to love God by inciting WONDER
2: Move kids to love life by provoking DISCOVERY
3: Move kids to love others by fueling PASSION
The Zone is part of our Sunday morning children's ministry and meets during the worship experience at both campus locations. You can also check out MidZone, our Wednesday night program that runs from 6:30pm-8pm. This midweek ministry only runs from October to May.
QUESTIONS? Email Emily VanDis, our Zone Director, at [email protected]

Easy Check In & Pick Up
First visit? Stop by the Bridge Kids Desk to register your family! After that, simply enter your mobile phone number in one of our check-in kiosks to print your child's name tag and coordinating security tag, for easy (and safe) pick up following the service.
Dedicated Disciplers
Every week, your child will experience their Bridge Kids time with a consistent, dedicated teacher. We believe in the power of consistency, especially with our littlest Bridge family members. Seeing a familiar, loving face each week helps your child to feel connected and loved.
Trained Leaders
We take safety seriously around here! All of our disciplers must complete a background check and a child safety program prior to serving. Our security team is also present during every service, monitoring the building (including entries and exits!) to keep kids safe.