Men's Ministry Mission:
To challenge men to be...
Disciples... after God's own heart
Friends, Husbands, Fathers
Kingdom Servants
As men, we're often expected to be the strong, spiritual leaders in our homes, social circles, and workplaces. But...how do we do that? And who is supposed to be leading US?
Our Men's Discipleship team understands that men are under a lot of pressure to be strong leaders, but powerful teaching tools and a strong support system are often lacking in their lives. This ministry seeks to provide opportunities for Bridge guys to hang out and have fun, be challenged and held accountable, and be intentional about going deeper in their faith. (Also, we usually have bacon.)

Connection Events
We believe in providing men opportunities to connect with other men. Throughout the year we will gather to have fun, eat, get trained up, and sharpen the men of this church.
Bible Studies + Discipleship
We believe in the power of accountability. Our groups encourage men to form authentic relationships with guys who will talk openly about their struggles, pray for each other, and check in consistently to keep each other on track and encouraged.
Men's Retreat
Every year, we take a few days to go do guy stuff like grilling, fishing, and building a campfire – then we take a deep dive into messages designed specifically for men. We get to have fun and hang out, but also worship and learn together, which is the definition of a “win-win”.