Local Effort. International Impact.
This ministry is dedicated to creating an impact locally and also internationally! Across the globe, our International Impact team organizes mission trips, brings awareness to our church body, and raises funds to support special projects in places all around the world. We believe with a little local effort, we can make a huge international impact.Pastor Solomon
UgandaPastor Solomon, with Good New Ministries, is one of the main missionaries/ministries that we support. He is a longtime friend and gifted Kingdom Agent!
His current ministry highlights:
Feed the Hungry [Food Distribution]
Church services for immigrant Muslim families
Built/Runs a Private School for Preschool - High School
Child Sponsorship [The Bridge covers tuition for 170 children]
Micro-Loans for Ugandan family sustainability
Runs a Local Christian TV Station
Good Water Project Leader
Feed the Hungry [Food Distribution]
Recent Support from The Bridge:
Child Sponsorship [School Tuition + Food Allowance]
Water Pump
Generator for High School
Health Care for Doreen, his wife and ministry partner
Rebuilding Boys’ School Dormitory
Food Distribution during Covid Lockdown
Evan + Kristal Young
KenyaEvan & Kristal serve with AIM AIR in Nairobi, Kenya. AIM Air supports mission and Christian aid throughout East & Central Africa.
Their current ministry:
EVAN: Aircraft Mechanic with AIM AIR; He maintains their 6 aircrafts that provide a lifeline of support to over 50 organizations working in church planting, sharing the Gospel with the unreached, community development, medical missions, education, pastoral training, emergency relief, Bible translation, and more.
KRISTAL: On-Call Nurse for MedEvac flights, community volunteer, and stay-at-home mom
Brian Reynolds
GuatemalaKids Alive International is a Christ-centered organization that provides Christian care for orphans and at-risk children in 7 international countries. Brian serves as the Director Of Construction and Maintenance in Guatemala.
Current ministry highlights:
The KAI Guatemala staff focus on justice, healing, teaching, and empowering the young rescued girls while they live under their care using the word of God.
Recently, The Bridge International Impact Team replaced a water pump system, that provides water to the houses and office buildings on their Guatemala campus.
Nick & Erica Hemeren
UgandaNick and Erica serve with AIM AIR in Arua, Uganda. AIM Air supports mission and Christian aid throughout East & Central Africa.
Their current ministry:
NICK: Commercial Pilot who will now be flying planes for AIM AIR. These planes provide a lifeline of support to over 50 organizations working in church planting, sharing the Gospel with the unreached, community development, medical missions, education, pastoral training, emergency relief, Bible translation, and more.
ERICA: On-Call Nurse for MedEvac flights, community volunteer, and a homeschooling mom.
Justin & Joanne Bessert
EuropeThe Besserts are newer missionaries raising money to serve and live in Berlin, Germany through the Greater Europe Mission organization.
More about their calling:
WHY EUROPE? Most European cities contain less than 2% of committed Jesus followers. Europe is full of historical church buildings but has very few thriving groups of Christian disciples. With the ongoing refugee crisis, reaching Europe is strategic for world revival.
When they move to Berlin, they will work with a project called MultiplyBerlin. They have a cohort-based training we will join called BerlinX. https://www.multiplyberlin.org
Destiny Rescue
InternationalDestiny Rescue is an organization that rescues and restores children (mostly girls) who have been human-trafficked.
Ministry highlights:
They rescue children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and help them stay free.
Chris Russell is the Director of Engagement and has visited The Bridge often, bringing updates and sponsorship opportunities.
- It costs $1500 to rescue one child. Collectively The Bridge has rescued 126 children and counting.
WMU - International Students
Western Michigan UniversityLaura Osborne & Kevin Edlefson are local pastors "stationed" on campus who pastor the International Student Ministry on WMU's Campus.
Ministry highlights:
The Bridge is part of several local churches that partner with WMU International Student Ministry to provide weekly lunches to students
The meals provide needed community, conversation partners, and bible study experiences for these international students.

Short Term Missions
SPONSORED BY THE BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL TEAMLaura Osborne & Kevin Edlefson are local pastors "stationed" on campus who pastor the International Student Ministry on WMU's Campus.
Bryn Beyer - Czech Republic
Jake Chandler - His House