Our Prayer Team would love to pray over your praise or prayer requests. Click the button to complete our Digital Prayer Card.
Prayer Request Form
If you are ready to take the next step in your spiritual growth and healing journey, then it is time for you to schedule a Prayer Appointment.
- Prayer times are 45-60 minute meetings where you will receive prayer from a few of our dedicated and spiritually equipped prayer team.
- Appointments are held at the Portage Campus and are conducted in a private and respectful manor. Prayers and conversations are completely private and will not be further discussed outside of that appt.
- The Prayer Team that will be meet with you will be no more than 2 to 3 people. (Gender preferences are taken into consideration.)
- In order to help our Prayer Team understand what God may have for you during this prayer time, a Prayer Appointment Questionnaire must be filled out and submitted to our Prayer Appointment Team. You will receive the form via email upon scheduling an appt.
- SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT. Click the button below to view available appointment dates and to officially schedule your appointment.
- QUESTIONS? Email [email protected]
Schedule Prayer Appt