JOIN OUR TEAM: The Bridge Ministries is now hiring! Click on either position title to learn more: Director of Adult Discipleship and Director of Middle School Ministries.THE BRIDGE - LEADERSHIP
Our leadership structure engages strong individuals in three distinct areas of ministry oversight. From Staff, to Operators, to Overseers... we activate our leaders to take their areas of ministry to the next level, with guidance and spiritual accountability along the way.STAFF
Our ministry staff takes ground-level ownership of their area of ministry, putting in the day-to-day work to keep every ministry and event at The Bridge running at its best! They lead the many phenomenal ministry volunteers and provide ownership and direction over their specific area of ministry.OPERATORS
Every key ministry at The Bridge has an Operator assigned to it. (Our word for "Deacon.") This volunteer/appointed ministry leader works closely with ministry staff and provides guidance, support, and prayerful leadership over that specific area of ministry.OVERSEERS
Our Overseers are powerful, spirit-filled leaders who are called to serve as spiritual council over this congregation. They also provide accountability and leadership to Pastoral and Ministry staff.MEET OUR STAFF
The Bridge staff are a group of energetic, passionate people who are crazy about ministry at this church. EMAIL A STAFF MEMBER DIRECTLY BY CLICKING ON THEIR PHOTO.OVERSEERS @ THE BRIDGE
Our Overseers (Elders) are committed to serving both Bridge campuses and our congregation as spiritual leaders, counsel to our staff, and powerful prayer warriors.(Pictured from L to R) BACK ROW: Jason Caster, Andy VanDis, Ed Ashwell, Leah Weidenaar, Billy Powers, Krystal Sheerer, Isaac Miller FRONT ROW: Joel Messenger, Lisa Verkaik, Kelli Young, Wendy Dumois, and Jeff Wenke